How you can send us items

How to Package items for Toahfa. Here’s a detailed guide on packing your items, along with step-by-step instructions and illustrations to help you visualize each step. 

Step 1 : Put your items in a cardboard box or secure Box

What You’ll Need: – 

  • A dry, clean, and strong cardboard box
  • Packing supplies (recommended for fragile items but not required otherwise)

Step 3: Provide Our Rider with the Box

After you have arranged a pickup at your convenience for your parcel give the box to our rider when they get there. Verify that they have received it safely, please.

We are appreciative that you are selling your old items on our marketplace! We value your efforts in assisting us in spreading awareness about sustainability through secondhand items. Please contact our customer support team if you need any help or if you have any questions.

Happy packing! 📦📚


Step 1:  Pick the Correct Box for items, arrange the items accordingly , add Packing Material if needed and lastly pack the items.

Step 2:  Put the parcel slip in place
A printed parcel slip (which you may download from your email or account) is what you’ll need.

Position the parcel slip atop the Box. To make sure it is securely fastened and won’t come off during transit, you can use tape etc.

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